Unlike the Formula Atlantics practice for the 1979 F1 cars had raised the fact that these cars were especially tricky here. The very bumpy nature made for a hard time and a high attrition rate was expected.
The field all made a clean start with minor contact between David Pym and Mike Peray being the only apparent incident as the field streamed through the tricky avenue to the right hander T2. Fair few cars locked up there but no dramas as the field headed on the run to the hairpin.
The hairpin, however, was not incident free as Baz moved onto the racing line and made contact with Rouke who was pulling alongside. The incident damaging both cars. In Knickerbrook I ran wide and dropped almost to last then the last corner was carnage.
First Berti completely outbraked himself and somehow avoided hitting anyone as he ran through the litter into the barrier. Behind Eric Fulghum spun and was collected by Fulvio's Ligier. The Heavy Metal Tyrell was spun round; right into the path of Corrado who cannoned into him heavilly.
The Brabham rolled and I spun in sympathy ( see above ) distracted by the sight of the upside down car. Amazingly only Corrado retired despite several cars being involved.
At the end of the Lap, the impressive Allar Foht led from Timo Peltola, Marcus Adams, Miguel Bento and Bret Metcalf.
Rookies Foht and Bento were proving to be extremely impressive with both leading their respective Divisions impressively. Baz West slotted into 6th but the action was further down the field.
Midfield was a big mix of drivers from both divisions with David, John Wallace and David Pym all battling with Div1 runners such as Rik Walker, Fulvio and Berti. Every lap had drivers passing others as drivers battled hard and people made mistakes around the tricky circuit.
Drivers of note included Rick Stratton who had finished lap 1 in twelfth place. By lap 10 he was up to ninth just being Ralph Maiph. Rik Walker and John Wallace also seemed to be making progress while David Kadlcak was slipping down the order.
Then on Lap 10 Marcus lost two places and retired a few laps later with accident damage. As he retired Bret finally got past Bento and settled down to chase Peltola.
Very soon it was clear, without mistakes, the front three would remain as they were while behind Paul Langford had worked his way up to fifth.
Stratton was continuing to make progress with John Wallace and Fulvio following just behind as they worked their way up with impressive, consistant runs.
At the back of the field I was struggling with the last turn and spinning a lot but allways in touch with Mark Abbott who I had the edge on for pace but lacked his consistancy.
By Lap 23, the expected attrition rate was showing as Rouke had retired on Lap 11 after contact with myself. I had spun with him just behind and he couldn't avoid me ( sorry Rouke :( ).
Mike Peray crashed on lap 16, Marco Casadei lap 23 and Costa also on the same lap.
Much of the field had settled down but now but John Wallace and Fulvio were embroiled in a ferocious battle for 9th overall, swapping places several times. Wallace eventually broke free on lap 32 and shortly after worked past Baz West for 8th.
Fulvio followed past the struggling Lotus 80 a few laps later while Wallace passed a delayed Paul Langford on the penultimate lap. Langford regained the spot a lap later but had last seveal spots near the end of the race.
Overall a hard, tough race with plenty of action. Excellent wins by Allar and Miguel in their respective divisions. Drivers of the race for me, however, would be John Wallace and Rick Stratton. They both qualified well down, kept their noses clean and gained a large number of places. Well done to all of you.
post race discussions by the drivers highlighted Bento might be Div1 speed
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